Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Calm Before the Travel

Today is my last day here at family Vahattitto and in Finland.

I have had a great last couple of days, full of everything Finnish. Yesterday we made apple juice and apple sauce and Olga and her family came to visit. She and her husband are 21 and they have a little boy named Tobias, oh my was he a cutie. The only way to describe Olga is bright and shiny, she dances around the room smiling and laughing, cleaning and playing. She is one of the most enjoyable people I think I have ever met, it is no surprise that Tobias is such a happy baby!.

After they left and everyone was showered and the kitchen was clean it was 10:30 already and instead of going to bed I put my coat on and set out to watch the Northern Lights. I waited outside until 12:30 and and still no luck. Jorma says that they are usually out around 11:30 pm. At least I know I tried. It gives me a reason to come back to Finland one day!

I'm going to add a deep thought that came to me while waiting for the lights last night. When I got here it was hard because it was different and new and I didn't understand many things about the culture, now that I am leaving I'm sad because I know what I'm leaving and how much I liked it. Beginnings are hard and endings are sad, you have to try realize when your in the middle of something and appreciate it before its gone.

Today I catch a train to Juviskula at 18:00, transfer trains and go to Tikkurilla (near airport) which I will arrive at around 23:30. I will then wait at the airport until my flight leaves at 7:40 to Latvia where I will get on another flight to Aberdeen and arrive at 10:00 (after a 2 hour time change). About 18 hours travel time.
I am going to be one worn out kid, but don't worry my host mom is packing me snacks :)

There are so many pictures that I want to post but there isn't a good place for them in the written blog, I am thinking about adding a page just for pictures, I hope it works!
Also soon I will be writing on the Scotland page, keep an eye out!