Friday, September 26, 2014

North Scotland Adventures

Kim is quite the planner. During the four days that we were there we saw so many things.

There was the day trip to Inverness, home of the Loch-Ness Monster! Where we saw a wool mill, various churches, castles and the Ness river, but sadly, we didn't see any signs of Nessie. Lunch at Johnny Foxes (we were told that it is one of the best bars ever). We did this on a day that Kim had to work, so the hour and a half train ride there and back and the touring the town covered the time she had to do that. 

That evening we went to a Young Farmers meeting with Kim. At home young farmers is mostly adults and they do adult things, although I have heard that they throw a good party. In Scotland Young Farmers is actually a group of young farmers (crazy, eh?) and they organize events and activities for the club and the comunity that really do sound like fun. I am truely jealous of the program that they have. It is also the organization that sent people into the IFYE program that we met at the orientation, like Kim. 

One morning we toured  one of the only carrot factories in Scotland that happened to be located close to where we were staying. Kim's brother Mark is a welder for the building so we got a private tour! 

I think we saved the best for our last day though, a distillary tour where we learned all about Scotish whisky making. At the end there was a tasting, after not drinking harly at all in Finland for three months the "tastes" had me quite giggly. Afetr that we came back to Kim's, packed, said our goodbyes to her family and headed down the road (with Kim) to meet with our other scottish hosts, Ross and Robert, for dinner.