I made breakfast this morning. A simple task yes, but figure in cleaning the kitchen, doing the dishes, setting the table, making the porridge, making the tea, and cleaning up it is really quite a task, AND i had to run to the store to pick up Makkara for breakfast (we ran out last night and it was a near disaster).
I went a little heavy on the salt in the porridge but it was still edible and we had leftovers. I know what your thinking, "you had leftovers because it was too salty dummy!". No we had leftovers because Hannu wasn't here for breakfast. So I try to make Sämpylä rolls with the porridge, forget them in the oven and they get a little browner than desired, not a banner day for my cooking skills.
After breakfast Jorma asked if I wanted to go for a ride on his motorcycle, I say yes even though I really have no desire to do that, but I am so glad I said yes!!
It was like a movie director designed this ride, there was a light breeze and yellow trees slowly losing their leaves as we went by. The sun was shining and fall was in the air I loved every moment of that ride. I wish I could of taken pictures as we went but it wouldn't of been the same. So now in addition to the sauna, bicycle, and berry patch I would like a motorcycle, Santa sure is going to be busy with my list, but it's alright I know him personally now ;).
I went with Tarja to the grocery store and we came across this thing at the fish section (forgive me I forget the name) and she asked me if I had eaten it before, I say no and she acts surprised. She then says so good this is so good you try when your here, I was sure you would of had it before! So we get it.
Once home she cuts it up and gives me a large piece. I am pretty open to cultural foods, I mean I've been eating canned herring and fried street fish but this was bad. Bad bad bad.
It was some sort of fish (whole fish and layered fillets) inside this baked rye bread shell. The bad part was how much fight the bones had, i was worried about choking after a bone stabbed my tongue and I needed my fingers to pull it out. What was worse was the amount of it on my plate.
Maybe she meant it was so good that I was trying it, not that IT was so good. Who knows. It would of been almost unfair for me to make it out of a country as different as Finland and not have experienced at least one food that I thought was horrible.
Later on Tarja and Jorma's daughter Oola and her family stopped by to visit, they were very kind and had four crazy kids on their hands, Did I mention my host parents already have 28 grand kids? It is hard to imagine until you are here seeing it.
I listened while they talked Finnish and between hand gestures, words that I recognize, and familiar stories I was able to keep up pretty well! It only took three months :)